Should I Join?

Will This Group Work for Me?

We can help make a difference in your life, your loved ones’ lives, the community, and greater society.

Questions to Ask

Answer these questions to see if you would benefit from membership. 

  1. Are you angry, sad, frustrated, let down, exhausted, and feel like you are not able to live your best life no matter what you do?

  2. Do you feel like you do not and / or never will have enough to live your best life?

  3. Do you feel shame and / or disagree when people tell you that you just need to work harder, save more money, and live a certain way to be successful or have enough to be happy?

  4. Do you struggle with addiction, trauma, crime, abuse, neglect, poverty, hunger, houselessness, or anything similar?

  5. Do you feel “othered” or that you are not part of society no matter what you try?

  6. Would you like to live differently than how society dictates, but fear social, economic, financial, or other consequences?

  7. Do you feel that society believes it is more important to be "productive, attractive, civil, likable, conforming, material, wealthy, happy-presenting, and grateful" than anything else?

  8. Do you resent and want to dismantle systems that uphold exploitation, patriarchy, white supremacy, and other harmful worldviews?

  9. Do you disagree with traditional “wisdom” such as “money does not buy happiness?”

  10. Do you feel that the system we have does not work for all of us and was not built to function in a way to support us?

We are responsible for our beliefs and behaviors 100% of the time.  However, we believe that if a large majority of society is “following the rules” and is still not able to meet their needs then there are either systematic or systemic barriers that need to be addressed.  If most of a population is struggling this is the rule, not the exception, no matter what is said in society.  It is not due to a lack of hard work, financial literacy, or values.