Source - Focused facts

Disclaimer: These facts may need to be checked or corrected given better information. If you were the creator or source that provided this information, please share any pertinent information to help this page be as precise as possible. We welcome challenges to faulty information, but are not an academic or scientific organization and want to allow the experts in these fields to provide better information and sources if they have them rather than to be paralyzed by pedantry and tedious sourcing of information. If there are any wildly inaccurate claims made here please contact us with a credible source that proves this and we will redact and update this data.

Did you know…

facts  about  Wealth  /  Privilege

  • In the United States, 3 billionaires have more money than 165 million people or the bottom 50% of the country’s earners.

  • 10% of the world owns 80% of the entire world’s wealth.

  • 8 men own 50% of the world’s wealth.

  • 1 million (1,000,000) seconds is about 12 days.  1 billion (1,000,000,000) seconds is about 32 years.

  • You need to make $7,100 a day for 32 years to become a billionaire.

  • If the United States cut the military budget in half we can fix houselessness, food insecurity, health care, and still have money leftover (sourced from a creator).

  • The first cases of houselessness were documented in 1640 which was after European colonization.

  • 80% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

  • 56% of Americans cannot afford a $1000 emergency.

  • The average American’s credit card balance is $6500.

  • Georgetown study: to succeed in America it is better to be born rich than smart. Students who score in the bottom 50% in test scores from a wealthy family have a 70% chance of reaching a high socioeconomic status, and students who score in the top 50% in test scores from a disadvantaged family have only a 30% chance of reaching a high socioeconomic status.

  • The military misplaces a trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000,000) a year (sourced from a creator).

  • Analysis of one of the largest stores in the United States and world:

    • More than half of the employees at this store is on state support or food stamps.  Tax payers are subsidizing one of the largest companies in the world’s lack of a living wage.

    • This same company makes more than a half trillion ($500,000,000,000) dollars each year.

    • It was reported that this company lost more than $5 billion ($5,000,000,000) in theft in a recent year. However, this is often from their own employees who cannot afford a living wage, and the most stolen items do include some luxuries, but they also include toilet paper, over the counter medicine, underwear, shoes, food, and baby food.

    • $5 billion dollars in theft for the amount of profits they make is actually only a loss of 1%. A more accurate headline for this news story regarding theft would be “99% of the time at one of the largest stores in the country, no one stole anything.”

facts  about  Work  /  Capitalism

  • Capitalism started in the 16th century, only 500 years ago. Humans have been around for 300,000 years (sourced from creator).

  • Prior to feudalism and capitalism people only worked 10-15 hours a week (sourced from creator).

  • The 40 hour work week started during World War II. This was enough productivity for the United States to defeat an existential threat to the world and humanity. How productive are you? Take the hours you work a week and subtract 40. Take this number and divide by 40. Multiply that number by 100. This is what percent more productive you are than in World War II. (If it is negative you are less productive, but remember that humanity used to work 10-15 hours a week.)

  • If you work 40 hours a week and get adequate rest, you work for 36% of your existence, sleep 33% of your existence, and have only 31% of your entire existence for everything else you want or need to do in your life.

  • From kindergarten to high school graduation you spend 1 /3 of your entire life in school.

  • After you graduate you spend 1 / 3 of your entire life working.

  • The average American only spends 1 / 3 of their entire life outside of work and school.

  • The average lifespan is 73.4 years. The average healthy lifespan is 63.7 years. The average retirement age is 62 and there is a push from politicians in the United States to raise it. You will have only 1.7 - 11.4 years of life to yourself after you retire, or less.

  • The most common cause of people becoming unhoused is losing employment (60%) and wage poverty and major medical costs.  Drug use is one of the least likely causes and usually happens after loss of stable housing.

  • The first cases of houselessness were documented in 1640 which was after European colonization.

  • Only 16% of unhoused people are chronically unhoused, and only half of them are like that due to addiction and invisible and undiagnosed disabilities.

  • 50% of Americans are at risk of becoming unhoused given a moderate financial hardship and cannot afford to miss a single paycheck.

  • There are 15.1 million (15,100,000) empty homes in the United States and 653,000 unhoused people in the United States. We could solve the houselessness problem using only 4% of the available empty homes in the country and still have 14,447,000 homes leftover. Where are the homes going and who owns them?

  • One of the biggest indicators of life expectancy and educational achievement is one's zip code.

  • If the United States cut the military budget in half we can fix houselessness, food insecurity, health care, and still have money leftover (sourced from a creator).

  • The military loses a trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000,000) a year (sourced from a creator).

  • Healthcare companies spend 90% of their budget on administrative costs, while the government only spends 20-30% on administrative costs. (sourced from a creator).

  • Free dental care would save us billions of dollars (sourced from creator).

  • It costs more to imprison people than to just rehabilitate them.

  • 80% of people die in the same socioeconomic status or worse (sourced from creators).

  • We throw away 9 times as much food as we can consume in a year (sourced from creator).

  • We throw away 100 times as much clothing as we use (sourced from creator).

  • 85 - 94% of Americans use caffeine.

facts  about  Crime

  • The biggest indicator of crime across all countries, groups, times, and every metric is poverty.

  • Per capita (scaled for population, per each person in this group), white people steal more from stores than any other demographic by far.

  • A majority of violent crime is proximity (who we are around) and are crimes of convenience. Statistically we are more likely to experience violence from people we know than a stranger.

  • 90% of fentanyl seized at the southern border was during legal crossings.

  • 91% of those fentanyl seizures involved United States citizens.

  • At most just 0.009% of the people arrested by border patrol… possessed any fentanyl whatsoever.

  • Chicago is the 31st most dangerous city in the United States. These cities have the most crime per capita in the United States: Detroit, Michigan; St. Louis, Missouri; Memphis, Tennessee; Baltimore, Maryland; Springfield, Missouri; tie between Little Rock, Arkansas and Cleveland, Ohio; Stockton, California; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

  • It costs more to imprison people than to just rehabilitate them.

  • The United States has more than 20% of the prison population on the planet and only 4% of the global population.

  • Only 27% of police officers have fired their gun while on duty.

  • Black people are 7 times more likely to be wrongly convicted of murder than white people.

  • Most police shootings happen during traffic stops (sourced from creator).

  • For 65% of gun crimes, the guns were bought by legal means (sourced from creator).

(Trigger Warning)

facts  about  Racism

  • The 13th amendment codified selective slavery in the United States. The amendment states, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

  • Most undocumented immigration comes from Asia and Europe, and is people overstaying their visas (60%). It is not from people crossing the southern border of the United States.

  • A majority of drug seizures coming from outside the countries come from ports of entry, and 88% of all drug seizures come from just 20 points of entry.

  • 90% of fentanyl seized at the southern border was at legal crossings.

  • 91% of those fentanyl seizures involved United States citizens.

  • At most just 0.009% of the people arrested by Border Patrol… possessed any fentanyl whatsoever.

  • Undocumented immigrants commit less crime than natural-born United States citizens.

  • Medical racism has been explicitly or implicitly taught in the medical field for years. It has even affected Serena Williams and Beyoncé.

  • Black people are 20% more likely to be pulled over than white people but are less likely to have drugs or other illegal materials.

  • Black Lives Matter protests were more peaceful than the civil rights movement (93% peaceful).

  • The only time black people are pulled over by police at the same rate as white people is at night when police cannot see the race of the driver.

  • The Little Ice Age was caused by the colonization of the Americas. So many people were killed at the end of the 15th century that it disturbed Earth’s climate (sourced from creator).

  • So many people were thrown overboard in the Atlantic Ocean during the trans-Atlantic slave trade that it changed the migration pattern of sharks (sourced from creator).

  • There is a harmful myth being used by white supremacists regarding “white slavery” and Irish people. This is an attempt to water down and “both sides” the full impact of what was done to Black people during chattel slavery. According to Trinity College in Ireland, there were no Irish slaves in the United States. LINK

  • 400 white people in the U.S. have more wealth than 45 million black people (sourced from creator).

  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. died with a 75% disapproval rating, even after the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

  • 44% of police encounters are police initiated (sourced from creator).

  • People of color (POC) are 4 times more likely to suffer use of force in police interactions (sourced from creator).

facts  about  Religion

  • The type of religion you believe in is heavily influenced by your family, community, and location.

  • There are 45,000 denominations of Christianity.

  • There are roughly 4,200 religions.

  • There have been at least 2,000 or more deities (gods) recorded in humanity’s history. (Other numbers are even higher, this is the most conservative estimate.)

  • Christians hold 55% of the world's total wealth.

  • There are 16,000 Starbucks and 400,000 churches in the U.S.

  • Churches are not taxed in the United States.

  • Many of the founding fathers were deists, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and James Monroe. Deism is the belief in the existence of God (often, but not necessarily, a God who does not intervene in the universe after creating it), it is solely based on rational thought without any reliance on revealed religions or religious authority.

  • “In God We Trust” was put on the Penny in 1864 and added to all currency in 1954, not at the country’s inception.

  • "God” was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954, not at the country’s inception.

(Trigger Warning)

Facts  about  Patriarchy and 
gender - based violence

  • 93% of abortions are performed before 12 weeks, 6% up till 20 weeks, and only 1% after that.

  • A majority of abortions (52%) are due to failed contraception.

  • At least 33% or more of women who get abortions are in committed relationships.

  • States with abstinence-only education have the highest rates of teenage pregnancies.

  • A woman is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds, and 99% of attackers are men.  

  • 48 / 50 of men who commit sexual assault do not get charged and 49 / 50 men do not go to jail.

  • 1 / 3 women are assaulted in their lifetime.

  • 62% of women never report sexual assault at all and so numbers of attacks may be much higher.

  • Recent research revealed disturbing data regarding men’s brains. Men’s brains often identify men as people and women as objects, body parts, or tools.

  • A majority of violent crime is proximity (who we are around) and are crimes of convenience. This means that statistically we are more likely to face violence from people we know than a stranger.

  • Men are more likely to be attacked by a stranger and women are more likely to be attacked by someone they know.

  • More than 90% of abusers of children are people that children know and trust, including family friends and even family members themselves. This fact illustrates the importance of comprehensive sex education K-12. Not all family members are equipped or educated on how to protect children from harm.