The Axis of Harm

In addition to there being many more types of harm than society actively addresses, prioritizes, or repairs, harm has other dimensions too. While we want to avoid causing harm, sometimes harm can be caused when we did not intend it, or we can intend it but it is necessary to avoid a greater harm and protect people.

Harm can be intentional or unintentional, or necessary or unnecessary.  

Address the Source’s Axis of Harm divides the types of harm into four quadrants based on these qualities.  

There is intentional unnecessary harm, unintentional unnecessary harm, unintentional necessary harm, and intentional unnecessary harm.

While these quadrants are each types of harm, some are more harmful than others. This is the order from most harmful to least harmful:

  1. Intentional Unnecessary

  2. Unintentional Unnecessary

  3. Unintentional Necessary

  4. Intentional Necessary